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Trust Matters, February 2019


Property Appraisals

Did You Know

Copyright Trolls

Police – Risk Review​



Join the League at one of our eight lunch-and-learn meetings this March to learn about the different insurance coverage options available to our members. We'll give an overview of our pools, rate projections and information to make sure municipal officials and staff members are getting the most from their League membership. 我们还将讨论更多关于365足彩下载的服务和我们最新的首选合作伙伴!

Registration is now open. Sign up to learn more about:

  • 365足彩下载健康福利信托的保险续订信息和费率信息, Workers' Compensation Trust, and Property and Casualty Trust
  • Exclusive risk control training and programs from our insurance pools to help save your city or town money and protect your resources
  • Preferred Partners benefits and services
  • League field staff updates
  • And more!

This meeting is ideal for, HR Directors, Finance Officers, Risk Managers, Town Managers, 城镇职员和其他市政雇员-我们希望在我们的春季旅行中看到你们!

Use this link​ to find the meeting closest to you and to register. 

Property Appraisals

In 2017, the North Carolina League of Municipalities contracted with HCA Asset Management LLC to complete property appraisals for our pool members free of charge, and as part of this five-year process many of you in ​eastern North Carolina have already participated in the appraisal process that helps determine the insurance replacement cost for their insured structures or buildings.

So far, the property appraisals have discovered many uninsured or underinsured properties; the pool's property exposures have increased from $7.2B (2017-2018) to $8.3B (2018-2019), which is roughly a 14.8% increase in property exposure to the pool. HCA has identified structures or buildings that may have been overlooked at renewal and not added to the property schedule, 不再运作或不再存在的建筑物或建筑物, undervalued lift/pump stations or water towers, and some vacant buildings on the property schedule that needed to be further underwritten to determine the insurability of the structure.

NCLM will continue to provide this service to our members as HCA moves toward the western part of the state. Each year of the appraisal cycle, a League underwriter will send out a letter to each member who will be appraised that year along with a current list of structures or buildings that meet the appraisal criteria. Then, an HCA appraisal team member will contact property and casualty insurance pool members to schedule a specific time and date for them to perform the appraisal inspection at your location.

Thank you for your cooperation with this project. League staff is available to assist our members with any questions they may have concerning the property appraisals, insurance schedules, coverage questions, or any other risk management needs.

Did You Know


  • 呕吐或胃痛:如果病人有强烈的胃痛, and they begin to feel nauseated or begin to vomit, 这可能是心脏病发作的早期预警信号.   统计数据表明,女性更容易呕吐, 消化不良和胃痛是心脏病发作的先兆, however, men can experience these symptoms as well. 
  • Exhaustion:  If an individual suddenly finds themselves exhausted from doing routine tasks that were once part of their day, such as getting the mail, walking around the block and their dog, or retrieving the paper form the driveway, then they should consult their doctor right away. 
  • 下颌疼痛:如果患者曾经经历过下颌疼痛, 当他们得了重感冒或鼻窦感染时,他们可能会有这种感觉.  This alone is not a sign of heart problems.  然而,下颌疼痛可能表明存在心脏问题和心脏病发作.  具体来说,患者需要注意下颚疼痛是如何传播的.  如果患者感觉到胸部疼痛或紧绷, 疼痛会传到下巴和周围区域, 他们应该立即寻求紧急医疗救助, 因为这是心脏病发作的常见症状. 
  • 打鼾:你或你的伴侣打鼾吗?如果有,声音很大吗?  人们睡觉时打鼾是很常见的, but there is a certain level of snoring that could be a cause for concern and could indicate a patient may be dealing with heart issues.  For instance, 如果一个人打鼾的声音非常大,听起来像是在喘气, then they could have a condition known as sleep apnea.  这种情况会给心脏带来极大的压力, 为了排除其他可能的心脏问题,他们应该接受检查. 
  • Persistent Coughing:  In many cases, 病人持续咳嗽而无法摆脱是普通感冒的征兆.  However, 如果病人咳出白色或粉红色带血的粘液,这也可能是心力衰竭的征兆, due to blood getting into the lungs.  Specifically, 慢性咳嗽或喘息是由于液体充血, or a buildup of fluid in the lungs, and is a common sign of heart failure, 因此医生们称之为充血性心力衰竭(CHF)。. 

Genetics, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices all play a significant part in determining if an Individual will develop heart-related issues.  尽管一个人不能改变他们的心脏相关问题的遗传倾向, such as heart disease or congenital heart defects, they can do everything within their power to make healthy lifestyle choices that will lead them to optimal health.  Some lifestyle habits an individual can make to improve their chances for not developing certain types of heart conditions include to quit smoking and controlling and managing other health issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.  每周至少锻炼5天,每天至少锻炼30分钟, eating a diet that is low in salt and saturated fat, maintaining a healthy weight, practicing good hygiene, 减少和管理压力对降低一个人的风险也非常有帮助. 

Copyright Trolls

谁会想到喷子在当今世界存在,但它们确实存在! Copyright trolls are on the look for copyright infringements and are quick to demand a monetary settlement when they discover an infringement on their product.

消费者,包括市政当局,可以非常无辜地卷入这些索赔. For example, 市政当局可能想要出版一本小册子或365体育足彩册,并需要一些封面艺术品. 我们通常首先会在网上找到一张完美的照片. The picture is downloaded and placed on the publication and the municipality proudly distributes its brochure.

Then the trolls come in. 有些人的主要工作是查找未经批准使用版权文件的情况, including pictures. Once discovered, a demand is made to the municipality and it is often more economically feasible to settle the claim than defend.

When searching for images online, be careful and stick to sites that offer royalty-free images and/or tailor your search results to include images that are free to use even commercially, 例如,谷歌图像允许您使用其高级搜索设置过滤搜索结果.

Police – Risk Review​

On a daily basis, 与其他任何工作或职业领域不同,执法行业充满了挑战和风险. Day-to-day citizen encounters can quickly move from routine verbal engagement into a use of force situation in a matter of seconds. 公众可能非常清楚这些与警察相关的风险, 但大多数人可能都不知道有人称自己为, “First Amendment Auditors," and the liability threats they pose.

Some of these auditors visit local police departments and create situations that will prompt a policing response in hopes of the encounter escalating. Some of the tactics include the overt videoing of police officers as they enter and leave police parking lots and other routine officer activities occurring in public places.

这是一个常见的场景:一名警官遇到一个人在拍摄他们的巡逻车, building entrances, and simply behaving suspiciously. 然后勤奋的警官试图和这个人说话, 要求确认并询问活动的目的. 这些合理的步骤通常会遇到公民的异常反应,比如沉默, profanity, and/or the lack of any cooperation or explanation, 这可能导致警官对此人进行调查拘留. This process then includes seizing the phone, or worse, 以抵抗、阻挠和拖延的罪名逮捕当事人. 通常接下来的是对当事人的搜查,直到逮捕. It is quite routine for these auditors to carry a secondary hidden camera in hopes of the phone or camera being seized. 最终结果可能导致对该官员提出索赔, agency leadership, 和市政当局涉嫌侵犯宪法第一和第四修正案.

北卡罗来纳州也有过几次类似的遭遇. Recently, a subject believed to be an auditor took it to another level when he visited one of our local police agencies. The subject was wearing a visible handgun and videoing police vehicles as they entered and exited the agency parking area. The officers involved understood immediately what this person's intentions were based on their training from a program provided by the League, “前方危险的十字路口——第一和第四修正案的交汇处."

The officers were properly trained and prepared for the encounter and this subject was treated with tremendous professionalism and warmly greeted by several officers and supervisors. 不久之后,这个人带着一段公众不会感兴趣的视频离开了.

The training offered by the League in dealing with these and other First and Fourth Amendment challenges is an intensive four-hour class taught by Attorney Scott Maclatchie. In this timely class, these types of events are reviewed and best-practice, 与我们的官员讨论了宪法驱动的考虑. 预期的结果是让我们的人员更有能力作出正确的判断和决策, 这会降低索赔和诉讼的可能性.

Our next “前方危险的十字路口——第一和第四修正案的交汇处" class is scheduled to be held in partnership with the Belmont Police Department on March 21, 2019. 欲了解更多信息,请与风险控制总监汤姆·安德森联系

